How to Know She Likes You.

 8 Signs She Likes You More Than Just Being Nice.

When you're talking to a crush and you're not sure how they feel about you, it might be unpleasant. Moreover, you may have misinterpreted the signs and ended up hearing the dreadful words "I just view you as a friend," or "I like you, but not like that." You could even blame yourself at times! The truth is that some individuals are simply more pleasant and open by nature. They're always smiling, saying pleasant things, and giving warm embraces. And, in certain cases, such gestures persuade people to assume that the individual is interested in them. Many men struggle to identify a "woman's signal of interest" and distinguish between flirting and friendly behaviour. A guy can be driven insane by this ambiguity, and in certain situations, it may even lead to friendships ending. So that you may feel more confident about your place in her life and prevent all that turmoil, here are 8 things to watch out for.

5 Signs She Likes You!

She's a little touchy with you.

An unintentional shoulder brush, knees touching when sitting side by side, and an arm on your shoulder for no apparent reason. Touch is an unmistakable technique to convey attention and intrigue. If she's seeking excuses to touch you, whether it's cleaning lint off your jacket or adjusting your hair, she probably appreciates your company!

She has a lot of questions for you.

Naturally, some people have a higher innate curiosity than others. But if she's truly interested in you, her inquiries become a little bit more pointed. When you speak to her, be ready to share humiliating past experiences and lame college antics! She must be interested in you if she recalls every last detail of what you said and asks you follow-up questions.

She Highlights Her Shoulders and Neck.

Numerous nonverbal cues can convey interest. And if she makes you aware of delicate parts of her body, such as her neck and shoulders, that is one indication that she likes you. She could be implying that she likes you if she fiddles with her jewellery or twirls her hair frequently.

When you speak, her feet point toward you, and she leans in.

Body language is key in the flirting game! Women do much more than swirl their hair. The way she stands, the location of her feet, and how near she is to you all give you hints. You only have to be aware of them! For instance, where are her toes pointing? Her feet will be pointed directly at you if she likes you! If she leans toward you while you're speaking, it's a sign that she wants to be physically closer to you. Because our personal space bubble is around 1.48 ft surrounding us, if she breaks her barrier to go closer to you, it's a positive sign that she likes you!

She removes physical barriers between you.

Speaking of obstacles, a girl will relocate a coffee cup or a delicate rose in a vase that is directly in the middle of the table if she likes you. This will allow her to be more approachable. When we dislike or are suspicious of someone, we unconsciously put something physical in the way to impede access. Therefore, it's an indication that she's receptive to this connection if she quickly takes down any physical boundaries between you!

She thinks you're hilarious.

Despite the fact that your buddies might not think you're funny, if a girl likes you, she probably laughs the loudest at your jokes. You don't have to be Kevin Hart to be a funny guy who can make women laugh. Women like guys who can make them laugh. Even puns and tired dad jokes will entice her if she is already drawn to you.

She frequently types and deletes messages.

Is she taking an abnormally lengthy time to respond to texts? Is it a flirting, lighthearted message she sends when she texts? When you're just starting to know someone, those three feared dots may cause a lot of worry. That being said, if you observe her typing for a long time and then receive a one-liner that's more low-key, odds are she was attempting to polish the message. That's a fantastic indication that she likes you!

She emphasizes that she is single and ready to mingle.

Women, in general, dislike discussing former relationships in considerable detail. So, if you hear a lot about her ex-boyfriends, chances are she sees you as a trustworthy friend and nothing more. Keep an eye out for hints if she recalls her previous relationships without going into too much detail and says she's eager to get back out there. She might be hinting to YOU as a possible new interest! So, given all I've just said, is she being nice or flirtatious? Keep in mind that this list does not represent every woman on the planet. People communicate love and desire in different ways, and it's vital to recognize that.

If you see all these indicators, you should probably simply be honest and express your thoughts because there isn't a checklist you can check off to receive any kind of assurance. Who can say? It may very well work out.

Sanjoo Thapa

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